Why Baby Might Dislike Tummy Time and How to Make It Enjoyable?

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Babies spend a lot of their early months sleeping on their backs, but tummy time is a crucial part of their development. Tummy time helps babies build the strength needed for significant milestones like rolling over, sitting up, crawling, and eventually walking. However, many parents find that their little ones resist tummy time. If your baby isn’t a fan, don’t worry. Read on to discover why this might be happening and what you can do to make tummy time a more enjoyable experience.

The Importance of Tummy Time

Tummy time involves placing your baby on their stomach while they are awake and supervised. This practice is vital for developing the head, neck, and shoulder muscles necessary for future physical milestones. Dr. Whitney Casares, pediatrician and author of The New Baby Blueprint: Winning at Parenting Without Losing Yourself, emphasizes that tummy time is like a mini workout for your baby.

Additionally, tummy time helps prevent positional plagiocephaly, also known as flat head syndrome. When babies spend extended periods lying on their backs, their heads can flatten in certain areas. Dr. Casares explains that tummy time offers babies a different position, reducing the risk of this condition. However, if your baby falls asleep during tummy time, always place them on their back in a safe sleeping environment.

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Parents should start tummy time early—ideally from the first day home for full-term, healthy babies. Initially, sessions can be short, around 2-3 minutes per session, and gradually increase to 15-30 minutes a day as your baby grows stronger. It’s normal for some babies to resist at first.

Reasons Why Babies Dislike Tummy Time

Despite its benefits, many babies dislike tummy time. Understanding why can help you address the issue more effectively:

  1. Unfamiliar Position: Babies are used to being on their backs, so the unfamiliar tummy position can be uncomfortable. Dr. Denise Scott, pediatric endocrinologist at Integris Health, notes that this change can lead to resistance.
  2. Limited Head Movement: Babies might struggle to lift their heads and look around, making tummy time feel restrictive and frustrating.
  3. Discomfort After Feeding: If tummy time is attempted too soon after feeding, babies might be uncomfortable. Dr. Casares suggests burping your baby before tummy time to minimize discomfort.

Tips to Make Tummy Time More Enjoyable

If your baby hates tummy time, here are some strategies to help them adapt and even enjoy it:

1. Choose the Right Time

Opt for tummy time when your baby is in a good mood, well-rested, and fed. Avoid tummy time if your baby is tired, irritable, or hungry.

2. Try Different Positions

If your baby dislikes tummy time on the floor, place them on your chest. This allows them to enjoy your presence while still benefiting from tummy time. Alternatively, try laying them across your lap, gently rubbing their back or rocking your legs.

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3. Engage with Toys

Use baby-safe toys like mirrors, black-and-white picture boards, musical toys, or colorful play mats to capture your baby’s attention and make tummy time more engaging.

4. Join Them on the Floor

Make tummy time more enjoyable by joining your baby on the floor. Lie face-to-face with them, sing, talk, and interact to make the experience more pleasant. An older sibling can also participate to add to the fun.

5. Support Their Head

To make tummy time less frustrating, place a rolled towel or blanket under your baby’s chest. This slight incline helps them see more of their surroundings and reduces the strain of lifting their head.

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6. Use a Yoga Ball

Place your baby on a yoga or exercise ball while gently rolling them back and forth. Ensure you hold onto your baby securely during this activity. The gentle motion can soothe a cranky baby.


Starting with short, enjoyable tummy time sessions and gradually increasing their length will help your baby grow stronger and more accustomed to this practice. Remember to keep tummy time positive by choosing the right moments, using engaging toys, and providing physical support. Over time, your baby will become more comfortable and even look forward to these essential exercises.


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