As 2024 unfolds, climate scientists are raising alarms that this year could become the hottest ever documented. Reports from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate...
In a groundbreaking study, scientists have uncovered an astonishing phenomenon: a massive landslide in Greenland triggered a mega-tsunami that caused the Earth to vibrate for...
Curious about how the endangered yellow-eyed penguin, or hoiho, which means ‘noisy screamer’, won New Zealand’s Bird of the Year award? The win gives advocates...
Discover how brave local police constables rescued two dogs from a devastating industrial fire in Mount Isa. Read about their heroic efforts, the community response,...
In the shadowy corners of the illegal wildlife trade, a booming underground market is flourishing, dealing in one of Australia’s most valuable assets—its native reptiles....
For over two decades, a widely accepted claim has circulated through scientific and public discourse: that 80% of the world’s biodiversity is found on Indigenous...
Recent research has unveiled alarming predictions about the future of tropical monsoon systems if the Gulf Stream were to collapse. This vital ocean current, part...
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