What Does ‘Augusted’ Mean on TikTok? Dive Into This Viral Trend So You Don’t Get Left Behind

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The internet is buzzing with a new TikTok trend where users claim to have been “augusted.” But what does this term actually mean, and how does it relate to Taylor Swift’s song “august” from her “folklore” album? This trend taps into the emotions of a fictional love triangle that resonates deeply with many. Let’s break down the origins of this phenomenon and explore why it’s capturing so much attention.

The Story Behind “august” from Taylor Swift’s “folklore”

To truly grasp the concept of being “augusted,” it’s essential to understand the narrative within Taylor Swift’s “folklore” album. This particular track, “august,” unfolds a complex teenage love triangle involving three characters: Augustine, James, and Betty. The song, told from Augustine’s perspective, narrates the fleeting and unrequited love she has for James, who is already entangled with Betty.


The Lyrics That Sparked a Trend

In “august,” Taylor Swift captures Augustine’s longing and heartbreak, as she reflects on a love that was never hers to keep. Lyrics like “it was never mine” and “you were never mine” emphasize Augustine’s awareness that her affair with James was doomed from the start. The song’s poignant bridge, “Remember when I pulled up and said, ‘Get in the car’ / And then canceled my plans just in case you’d call?” perfectly encapsulates the desperation and fleeting hope Augustine feels, living for moments that were never meant to last.

What It Means to Be “Augusted”

On TikTok, being “augusted” has come to represent finding oneself in a similar situation to Augustine’s—stuck in a “situationship” that lacks a future. Users who post about being “augusted” often reveal they are in a relationship with someone who is emotionally unavailable or committed elsewhere. They are, in essence, the modern-day Augustine, waiting in vain for someone who will never truly be theirs.

Humor as a Coping Mechanism


As with many TikTok trends, humor plays a significant role in how users cope with less-than-ideal situations. By acknowledging that they’ve been “augusted,” these individuals use the trend to make light of their emotional struggles. It’s a way of sharing their experience with others who may be going through similar situations, creating a sense of community and understanding.


While no one wants to be in Augustine’s shoes, the “augusted” trend on TikTok has become a relatable outlet for those grappling with unrequited love and complicated relationships. By turning Taylor Swift’s fictional tale into a modern-day metaphor, users are finding both humor and solace in their shared experiences.

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