(Video) Heartwarming moment: Mother moose defies her will to protect newborn calf crossing road in Alberta

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In the wilderness of Alberta, Canada, wildlife encounters are not uncommon. However, sometimes nature offers up moments that touch our hearts in a way we’ll never forget. Such was the case for Steve Muise, a local resident, who recently captured a scene that left him, and millions of others, deeply moved.

A Special Encounter on the Road

Steve Muise and his wife, Lalaine, were driving home from a trip to Edmonton when they spotted something truly special. A mother moose, standing on the side of the road, had just given birth. Next to her was her newborn calf, its fur still slick from birth, and its legs wobbly as it tried to stand.


In awe of the tender moment, the Muises immediately stopped their car. The tiny calf, likely born just hours earlier, was struggling to keep up with its mother, but with determination, it stayed close to her side. Together, they cautiously crossed the road, with the mother leading the way and the newborn following closely behind.

A Reminder of Nature’s Beauty

The scene, which Steve Muise caught on camera, was a reminder of the beauty and fragility of life in the wild. The bond between mother and child was on full display as the mother moose patiently guided her newborn across the road, waiting for the calf to catch up each step of the way.

“It was such a special moment,” Muise shared. “We just watched in awe, waving down cars to make sure the moose and her calf had enough space to cross safely.”

Capturing a Viral Moment

Once Muise posted the video of this precious encounter online, it quickly gained traction. Thousands of people viewed the footage, with many leaving comments about how touched they were by the scene. The newborn calf, with its unsteady legs and the protective actions of its mother, resonated deeply with viewers across the globe.

“I think the calf was just born within hours,” Muise said, still amazed by the timing of his encounter. “Not many people get to see something like this, and we feel so lucky to have witnessed it.”

The Bond Between Mother and Child

Wildlife encounters like this one serve as powerful reminders of the strong bond between mother and child in the animal kingdom. Whether it’s a moose and her calf or any other species, these moments highlight the natural instinct of mothers to care for and protect their young.


For Muise, the experience was not only a beautiful moment but also a reminder of how important it is to respect wildlife and give animals the space they need to thrive in their natural environments. “It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen,” he said. As a driving instructor, he even shared the video with his students, many of whom were equally captivated by the unique encounter.

The Season for New Mother moose’s Beginnings

Springtime and early summer are often referred to as “baby season” in the wild, a time when many animals give birth and nurture their young. This video of the mother moose and her calf is a perfect example of the natural beauty that happens during this season, as animals bring new life into the world.


It’s a magical time for wildlife enthusiasts and anyone who loves the outdoors, with new life blooming all around. And thanks to people like Steve Muise, who take the time to capture and share these moments, we all get to witness the wonder of the wild, even from afar.

Whether you’re a nature lover or simply someone who enjoys feel-good stories, this heartwarming video of a mother moose and her newborn calf crossing the road is a beautiful reminder of the bond that exists between animals and their young.

It’s a moment of pure joy, shared with the world, and one that will be cherished for years to come.


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