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Today is my birthday, but I didn’t receive any birthday messages, is it because I’m ugly? I’m so sad.

In a city that never seems to sleep, my world is one of constant darkness. Today is my birthday, but for me, it’s just another day of survival. Born blind, I’ve never seen the faces of those who pass me by or the streets I carefully navigate each day. But I’ve learned to adapt, relying on my other senses to guide me through this challenging life.


This morning, I wake up under an old, abandoned car—a place I’ve come to know as my temporary shelter. As the city starts to stir, my nose picks up a familiar scent: freshly baked bread from a nearby bakery. My stomach growls in response, and I know it’s time to start my birthday.

I begin my journey, guided by the scents and sounds that have become my map of this bustling world. Every step is careful, each one a small victory. I listen intently to the hum of traffic, the chatter of people, and the distant echo of footsteps, all helping me avoid obstacles and stay out of harm’s way. I may not see the city, but in my mind, I’ve drawn a detailed picture of it—a map created through years of experience.

As I near the bakery, the scent of food grows stronger, and so does my hope. I wait outside, ears alert, hoping that someone will notice me and offer a small bite to eat. The minutes tick by slowly, and I begin to wonder if today will be like so many others—filled with loneliness and hunger. But then, I hear the soft patter of small feet. A young boy exits the bakery, and to my surprise, he notices me. With a kind heart, he offers me a piece of bread. I wag my tail, grateful for this unexpected gift birthday.


The rest of my birthday and everyday unfolds much like any other. I wander through familiar streets, stopping now and then to rest or drink from a puddle. The sun sets, and I find my way back to my shelter. My body is tired, but my spirit remains strong.

As I curl up to sleep, my mind drifts into dreams. In my dreams, I am not just a stray dog; I am loved and cared for and I have a birthday party with my family. I imagine a world where my blindness doesn’t matter, where I am accepted for who I am. There are hands that gently guide me, voices that speak to me with kindness, and a warm place that I can call home.

My story, like that of many animals on the streets, is one of resilience and hope. Every day is a challenge, but it’s also a testament to my strength. The small acts of kindness I encounter—like the boy’s offering today—are reminders that there is still light in my world, even if I cannot see it.

Tonight, as the city grows quiet, I close my eyes and dream of a better tomorrow. My journey is far from over, but I face each new day with courage and hope, finding light even in the darkest moments.

On this birthday, I may not have received many gifts, but I have something far more precious—hope. And with that hope, I continue on, navigating my world without sight, but with a heart full of resilience and an unbreakable spirit.

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