
anemones feature image

The Remarkable Glow of Intertidal Anemones: A Natural Defense Mechanism

Marine biologist Dimitri Deheyn at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography takes us to a specialized aquarium where rows of intertidal anemones are thriving. Amid the hum of equipment and the scent of algae, Deheyn carefully transfers one of these fascinating creatures into a petri dish and heads to the photobiology laboratory. Here, the real magic happens. In the darkness of the lab, under an ultraviolet (UV) spotlight, the seemingly ordinary anemone glows a brilliant green, showcasing the wonder of biofluorescence.

Ecosystem Services

Understanding Ecosystem Services: Importance, Types, and Protection

Ecosystem services are the things nature does for us. They give us clean water, air, and food. These services also help control the climate and even provide places for fun and relaxation. But many don’t realize how these services work or why they’re important. We need to know how different types of ecosystem services—like provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services—affect our lives. This article will explain these services in simple words and show you why we must protect them. What

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