guinea pig

Quiz: In Which Country Was It Once Illegal to Own Just One Guinea Pig Because They Can Get Lonely?

Answer: Switzerland Switzerland is the country where it was once illegal to own just one guinea pig because of concerns that the animal could get lonely. This law is a reflection of Switzerland’s strong commitment to animal welfare, ensuring that even the smallest pets are treated with care and respect. Why Was This Law Enacted? Guinea pigs are social creatures by nature. They thrive on interaction with their peers and can become anxious, depressed, or even physically ill if kept

Quiz: In What European Country Is It Illegal to Own Just One Guinea Pig?

Answer: Switzerland In Switzerland, it’s illegal to own just one guinea pig. Yes, you read that correctly! This law isn’t just about quirky regulations—it’s a reflection of how seriously Switzerland takes animal welfare. Guinea pigs are naturally social creatures, and keeping just one can lead to severe loneliness and stress for the animal. To prevent this, Swiss law mandates that guinea pigs must be kept in pairs or groups. Why This Law Exists Guinea pigs, like us, thrive on companionship.

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