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Elderly Couple Injured After SUV Plunges Into Seoul Sinkhole

An alarming incident unfolded in Seoul when an elderly couple’s SUV plunged into a sinkhole that suddenly appeared on a busy road. The accident, which occurred on Thursday in the Seodaemun district of western Seoul, has left both the 76-year-old woman and her 82-year-old husband injured and in need of medical attention.

Dramatic Rescue Effort in Seoul

Emergency responders quickly arrived at the scene to find the couple’s white Tivoli SUV lying on its side within the massive sinkhole. The sudden collapse of the road caused the vehicle to roll over, trapping the occupants inside. Firefighters worked diligently to stabilize the situation, checking the vehicle and providing necessary first aid before the car was eventually removed from the sinkhole.


The woman, who suffered a cardiac arrest during the incident, was immediately administered CPR by the emergency team. Fortunately, her pulse returned, and she was transported to the hospital for further treatment. The exact condition of her husband remains unclear, though he was also taken to the hospital.

Incident Details and Ongoing Investigation

The terrifying event took place at approximately 11:30 AM as the couple was driving along Seongsan-ro, heading towards Seongsandaegyo Bridge, Seoul. Without warning, the ground beneath them gave way, causing the sinkhole to emerge and swallow their SUV. The Korea Herald reports that authorities have launched an investigation to determine the cause of this catastrophic road failure.

Images and videos of the scene reveal the extensive damage caused by the sinkhole, highlighting the precarious situation that the couple found themselves in. The area surrounding the sinkhole has been cordoned off, leading to significant traffic disruptions in the city.


Sinkhole Phenomenon: A Growing Concern

This incident is part of a worrying trend, as sinkholes have become increasingly common in South Korea. According to the country’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, nearly 900 sinkholes were reported between 2019 and 2023, with approximately half of these attributed to damaged sewer pipes. The natural formation of sinkholes occurs when the rock beneath the surface, such as limestone, dissolves due to groundwater, creating underground caverns. When these caverns become too large, the surface collapses, forming a sinkhole.

While sinkholes can vary in size, the largest known sinkhole, located in Fengjie County, China, measures an astonishing 2,200 feet in depth. Thankfully, most sinkholes are much smaller, but they still pose a significant risk to public safety, particularly in urban areas.

Global Instances of Sinkhole Accidents


The Seoul incident is not an isolated one. Sinkholes have caused numerous accidents around the world, some with tragic outcomes. In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, a woman named Vijayaletchumy remains missing after falling into a sinkhole that opened beneath her as she walked along a city street. Authorities fear she may have been swept away by underground currents. This incident has led to the cancellation of city celebrations out of respect for the missing tourist.

Earlier in the year, a massive 100-foot sinkhole appeared in a field in Illinois, USA. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the event raised concerns about the potential for such incidents to occur without warning.


As authorities in Seoul continue to investigate the cause of this latest sinkhole, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictable dangers lurking beneath our feet. With the rising frequency of these events, urban planners and engineers face increasing pressure to address the underlying issues that lead to sinkholes, ensuring the safety of the public.

This dramatic accident in Seoul has highlighted the importance of maintaining and monitoring infrastructure to prevent such occurrences from endangering lives. The elderly couple’s ordeal is a sobering example of how quickly and unexpectedly these natural phenomena can strike, turning an ordinary day into a life-threatening situation.

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