Rare “Ice Eggs” Discovered on Finnish Beach – A Natural Phenomenon

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In a stunning natural event, thousands of ice eggs were recently discovered on the shores of Hailuoto Island in Finland.

This rare phenomenon occurs under highly specific weather and environmental conditions, leaving visitors mesmerized.

How Ice Eggs Form:

According to experts, the formation of ice eggs requires a delicate balance of factors including the right air and water temperatures, calm waves, and a gently sloping sandy beach.

As small ice fragments gather around a core, they roll along the shore, slowly growing into the icy spheres that create this breathtaking spectacle.

Witnessing the Phenomenon:

Photographer Risto Mattila and his wife stumbled upon the ice eggs while walking along Marjaniemi beach, with the largest of these frozen spheres reaching the size of a football.

The sight of thousands of shimmering ice balls covering a 30-meter stretch of beach is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, reminding us of nature’s beauty and unpredictability.

When to See Ice Eggs:

Autumn offers the best opportunity to witness this rare event, as cooling water temperatures help form the slush-like consistency necessary for ice eggs to develop.

While uncommon, if the conditions align, lucky beachgoers may find themselves surrounded by this incredible natural wonder.


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