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Lioness Yuna Arrives at The Big Cat Sanctuary from Ukraine After Harrowing Rescue

In a heartwarming development for animal welfare, Yuna, a young lioness, has arrived at The Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent, UK, after an arduous 1,400-mile journey from war-torn Ukraine. This rescue marks the beginning of a significant effort to provide sanctuary for lions affected by the devastating conflict. Yuna’s story highlights the urgent need for safe havens for these majestic creatures who have endured unimaginable hardships.


Yuna’s Journey: From War-Torn Ukraine to Sanctuary

Yuna’s life in Ukraine was marred by severe adversity. Rescued from a home near explosive conflict zones, she endured deplorable living conditions and suffered from constant bullying by another lion named Atlas. The stress and trauma of her environment took a toll, culminating in a severe setback in January 2024, when debris from nearby blasts caused shell shock and loss of coordination.


With her condition deteriorating, Yuna was surrendered to the Wild Animal Rescue with the assistance of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). This pivotal intervention provided Yuna with a much-needed opportunity for recovery and a fresh start away from the chaos she had endured.

The Big Cat Sanctuary’s Mission: Providing Safe Homes

Yuna is the first of a group of lions being relocated to The Big Cat Sanctuary. While the sanctuary currently has space for one lion, plans are underway to raise funds for new enclosures to accommodate the remaining lions. In the interim, temporary homes have been arranged in Belgium, where the other lions will stay until their permanent enclosures are completed.


Among the lions waiting for their new homes are Rori, a male lion suffering from shell shock, and two young sisters, Amani and Lira. Rori, who was relocated to Natuurhulpcentrum VZW in Belgium, will begin his healing journey in a supportive environment. Amani and Lira, both around one year old, are set to move to Pairi Daiza in Belgium, where they will receive care and companionship during this transition.

Vanda’s Story: From Malnutrition to a Brighter Future

Another lioness, Vanda, faced a particularly grim situation. Rescued from an apartment block near a nuclear power plant in Southeastern Ukraine, Vanda’s severe malnutrition stunted her growth. Despite being eight months old, she appeared as small as a three-month-old cub. Fortunately, Vanda is scheduled to be transferred to ZOO Planckendael in Belgium, where she will have the opportunity to flourish in a safe and nurturing environment.


The Urgent Need for Safe Sanctuaries

Cameron Whitnall of The Big Cat Sanctuary underscores the urgency of this mission: “We knew we had to act quickly to provide these lions with a better life. The race is on to build the necessary enclosures, but our commitment to offering them the best possible forever home remains unwavering.”


Once these lions are relocated and the new enclosures are completed, it will mark a significant milestone for both Wild Animal Rescue and IFAW, having successfully placed 21 big cats in secure environments. Natalia Gozak, coordinating these efforts on behalf of IFAW, reflects on the importance of these rescues: “The stories of these big cats are a testament to the resilience of animals in the face of unimaginable adversity. We are relieved to offer them a safer and more secure future.”

The Challenges Ahead: Finding Lifelong Care

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has exacerbated the challenge of finding suitable homes for rescued big cats. Many of these animals cannot return to the wild and require specialized care. The Big Cat Sanctuary is working diligently to build enclosures that will ensure these lions receive the highest standard of care.


Natalia Popova from Wild Animal Rescue adds, “These big cats, born into chaos or directly affected by the conflict, have known nothing but fear and confusion. We are grateful for the opportunity to provide them with a better life.”

As The Big Cat Sanctuary prepares to welcome the remaining lions into their permanent homes, the rescue of Yuna and her companions stands as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the critical need for safe havens for animals in crisis.

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