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How to Care for Newborn Twins: Insights from Experienced Parents of Multiples

When you first discover you’re expecting twins, the initial shock can be overwhelming. The sonographer’s question, “You know there are two in there?” might leave you breathless, with a mix of joy and anxiety. For many parents, including myself, the thought of adding two more little ones to an already bustling household can be daunting. However, I’ve learned that caring for newborn twins, while challenging, is also a unique and rewarding experience.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to navigate the newborn phase with twins, drawing on insights and advice from parents who have been there. From securing postpartum support to self-care strategies, we’ll cover it all, ensuring you feel equipped for this incredible journey.

Understanding the Challenge of Caring for Twins

Welcoming twins into your family is both thrilling and intimidating. Whether they are your first children or additions to a busy household, having two babies at once means your needs as a parent are magnified. You’ll quickly realize that every parent could use a little more time, support, and understanding, but parents of multiples often find these needs doubled.

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The silver lining? As I’ve come to appreciate, the joy of witnessing two babies grow and thrive together is unparalleled. Here are some practical tips to help ease the transition into life with newborn twins.

Line Up Postpartum Support

Below are detail:

The Importance of Help

One of the most effective ways to manage the early days with newborn twins is to arrange for postpartum support. Whether through your insurance for a home health visit or hiring a postpartum doula, having extra hands can make a world of difference.

Emma Davis, a mother of twins, emphasizes the value of having family or friends on call. “Let them know exactly what you need,” she advises. “And don’t hesitate to ask for help. People genuinely want to assist.”

In my case, my mother was a tremendous help, stopping by daily to tackle household chores and give me a breather. This kind of practical assistance is invaluable during those hectic early weeks.

Consider leveraging your network: my aunt organized a meal train that provided meals for weeks. Such gestures can relieve stress and give you more time to bond with your newborns.

Prioritize Your Well-being

Here are some details:

Self-Care for Parents

Navigating the postpartum period can be particularly tough for parents of twins. Research indicates that those caring for multiples may be at a higher risk for depressive symptoms. Amidst diaper changes and feedings, it’s essential to carve out moments for self-care.

Focus on fundamentals: stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and prioritize sleep whenever possible. Self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant; even small adjustments can help.

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Don’t underestimate the mental boost from getting outside. A simple walk around the block with your twins can uplift your spirits. It’s not just about physical activity; fresh air and a change of scenery can help rejuvenate your mind.

Adjust Your Expectations

When embarking on the journey of breastfeeding twins, it’s vital to adjust your expectations regarding the experience. Each breastfeeding journey is unique, and with twins, it’s important to recognize that things may not go as smoothly as they would with a single baby. Here are some points to consider:

Embrace Flexibility

Having twins often shatters the illusion that you can maintain the same level of household organization you once had. Acknowledging that you can’t do it all is vital. Create a list of weekly tasks and prioritize what’s truly essential.

Emma Davis points out, “There aren’t enough hours in the day to keep everything tidy. Focus on the babies during those early months to reduce your stress.” This approach not only lightens your load but allows you to dedicate more time to nurturing your little ones.

If you have a partner, consider dividing tasks equitably. Effective communication about responsibilities can help maintain harmony in the household.

Breastfeeding Twins: Is It Possible?

Below is the answer:

Understanding Breastfeeding Dynamics

Absolutely! Many parents successfully breastfeed twins, often discovering that their bodies naturally increase milk production to meet their babies’ needs.

Dr. Bree Lustre, a pediatrician, explains, “The more babies feed, the more your body signals to produce milk.” During growth spurts, you may find your twins feeding more frequently, which in turn boosts your milk supply.

I breastfed my twins until they were about 15 months old, often feeding them simultaneously. This method not only saves time but also helps synchronize their nap schedules.

Some parents, like Geri Martin Wilson, used a twin nursing pillow for tandem feeding, while others may find that bottle-feeding one baby while nursing the other works better for them. Flexibility in your approach is key.

Planning Maternity Leave

Determining the appropriate duration for maternity leave can be a complex decision influenced by various personal, professional, and health-related factors. Here are some key considerations to help you decide:

How Much Time Do You Need?

When planning for maternity leave, aim to take as much time as possible. However, the duration of your leave will depend on several factors, including your health, your twins’ health, your financial situation, and your workplace policies.

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows for up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave. Unfortunately, many smaller companies are exempt from this, which can complicate matters for new parents.

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If you feel you need more time off, consider discussing your options with your human resources department or your manager. Many employers are open to flexible arrangements, especially if approached proactively.

Finding Balance as a Freelancer

For self-employed individuals, the absence of paid leave can be particularly challenging. As a freelance writer, I had to rethink my budget and work schedule. My husband stepped in to care for the kids, allowing me to work unconventional hours. This level of collaboration can make a significant difference in managing both work and family.

Finding Community Support

Navigating the journey of parenthood is a rewarding yet challenging experience, especially when it comes to raising twins or multiples. One of the most effective ways to ease this transition is by connecting with other parents of multiples:

Connect with Other Parents of Multiples

Connecting with fellow parents of twins can be a game-changer. They understand the unique challenges and can offer invaluable advice and support. Online communities, social media groups, and local parenting groups are excellent resources.

I was fortunate to have a friend who had twins a year ahead of mine. She guided me through my questions and introduced me to a local twin mom’s group. This community provided not just advice but also a sense of camaraderie. Sharing experiences with others who understand can lighten the load significantly.

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Mothers in these groups often share tips on navigating well-meaning relatives, selecting the right products, and managing finances, providing insights you won’t find in typical parenting classes.

Additional Tips for Managing Twin Newborns

Establishing a routine for twin newborns can be a game changer in your parenting journey. While newborns are known for their unpredictable schedules, creating a consistent routine helps bring structure to your day and provides numerous benefits for both you and your babies:

Create a Routine

Establishing a daily routine can help create structure in your household. While newborns are unpredictable, having a general framework can offer comfort. Try to align feeding and sleeping schedules for your twins, even if that means waking one to feed the other.

Invest in Essential Gear

Certain items can make life with twins easier. A double stroller, twin nursing pillow, and two cribs can be worth the investment. Look for second-hand options through community groups to save money.

Keep It Simple

In the early days, it’s all about survival. Focus on the essentials and avoid overcomplicating your day-to-day. Meal prep in advance and keep snacks handy. Simple, nutritious meals will fuel your energy levels.


Caring for newborn twins is a unique adventure filled with challenges and immense joy. While the journey can be daunting, the right support, self-care, and a flexible approach can make it manageable.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Lean on your community, seek help when needed, and allow yourself grace as you navigate this exhilarating chapter of parenthood. Your twins are lucky to have you, and in time, you’ll look back and marvel at the incredible bond you’ve built with them.

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