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Heavy Rains Reveal One of the Oldest Dinosaur Skeletons Ever Found

In a remarkable discovery, researchers have uncovered one of the world’s most ancient dinosaur skeletons, thanks to heavy rainfall in southern Brazil. This extraordinary find could significantly enhance our understanding of early dinosaur evolution.

Discovery Amid Torrential Downpours of Dinosaur Skeletons

The recent dinosaur skeletons downpours in Rio Grande do Sul, a region in southern Brazil, led to the unexpected exposure of the nearly complete remains of a dinosaur, believed to be around 233 million years old. The fossil was discovered near a reservoir in São João do Polêsine by a team of paleontologists in May, as reported by The Associated Press.

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A Glimpse into Prehistoric Predators

The dinosaur, which has yet to be formally named, is thought to be a member of the Herrerasauridae family, a group of early Triassic predators. These carnivorous dinosaurs are among the earliest known to have walked the Earth, and this new find could provide crucial insights into the origins and evolution of these ancient creatures.

The fossil’s exceptional state of preservation has excited scientists, as it offers a rare opportunity to study a nearly intact specimen from such an early period in dinosaur skeletons history. If confirmed as a 233-million-year-old Herrerasaurid, this discovery will play a pivotal role in piecing together the evolutionary tree of dinosaurs.

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Debates on Dinosaur Origins

While this discovery is groundbreaking, it also contributes to ongoing debates among paleontologists about the earliest-known dinosaurs. The oldest undisputed dinosaur fossils, dating back about 231 million years, include species from various groups, including Herrerasauridae. However, there are older fossils, such as those of Nyasasaurus, which some scientists argue could date back 240 million years, though this is still contested.

Insights into Early Dinosaur Evolution

Rodrigo Temp Müller, the lead paleontologist from the Federal University of Santa Maria, emphasized the importance of this discovery in understanding the early stages of dinosaur evolution. “It’s among the oldest in the world and will likely help us understand the origin of the dinosaurs,” Müller told Agência Brasil.

dinosaur skeletons

The dinosaur, which likely stood at around 8.2 feet (2.5 meters) long, is believed to have been a carnivorous, bipedal predator. Müller noted that while this individual was approximately 2.5 meters in length, other members of the Herrerasauridae family could have grown much larger, reaching up to 16.5 to 19.5 feet (5 to 6 meters).

Racing Against Time

The discovery dinosaur skeletons was made after the region experienced record rainfall earlier this year, causing devastating floods that claimed at least 182 lives, according to The Associated Press. The intense rains accelerated natural erosion processes, uncovering the ancient fossils.

dinosaur skeletons

Müller and his team are now in a race against time to recover the exposed fossils before they are lost to the elements. “If there’s a lot of rain, small materials are sometimes lost before we can get to them, so now we are rushing to rescue all the materials that have been uncovered,” Müller explained.

The site, located within the Quarta Colônia Geopark, is renowned for its rich deposits of dinosaur fossils. This latest discovery only adds to the region’s significance as a window into the distant past, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the dawn of the dinosaur skeletons.

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