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Baby Uses Sign Language to Communicate with Deaf Grandparents

Before a baby utters their first word, they often engage in “baby babble,” a delightful mix of sounds that lays the foundation for language skills. But one Florida baby, Jane McCullough, has taken this milestone to a unique level by using sign language to communicate with her deaf grandparents. This extraordinary moment, captured in a now-viral video, has melted hearts across the nation.

A Six-Month-Old Signing Sensation

In the viral clip, 6-month-old Jane McCullough is seen energetically moving her tiny hands, trying to “babble” in sign language with her grandparents, Mark and Jessica Stultz. Jane’s mother, Mara McCullough, captioned the video, highlighting how Jane “waits for her turn to sign back” as her grandparents engage her in conversation. “She’s trying to communicate,” Mara proudly adds, illustrating Jane’s eagerness to connect.

Jessica signs, “You love talking to Grandpa,” and Jane, sitting in her bouncer, responds with animated hand movements, appearing to sign “yes.” The loving grandparents continue their chat, asking Jane about her “good dreams” during her nap. Jane’s expressive gestures and adorable attempts to communicate have charmed viewers everywhere.

A Heartwarming Response from the Community

The touching video has sparked a wave of admiration from friends, fans, and fellow parents online. “She’s so expressive with her face while trying to sign too,” one parent commented. Another viewer added, “The way she waits for her turn and pays attention to their signs, it’s like she’s truly conversing with them.”

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As another CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) noted, “If this is your first, just wait until she’s 2 and having full conversations in sign language with your parents.” The sentiment shared by many is one of awe and appreciation for Jane’s early grasp of sign language and her family’s dedication to fostering this unique bond.

Advocating for Sign Language in Schools

The video has also sparked a broader conversation about the importance of sign language education. “It’s fantastic that the McCulloughs are teaching their baby sign language,” a viewer noted, while others voiced their desire to see sign language offered more widely in schools. “I’ve always wondered why sign language isn’t a standard language option in schools. I would have chosen it over anything else!” remarked another.

Parents also chimed in with their own experiences, emphasizing the benefits of teaching babies sign language. “Babies learn sign really quickly. It might not be full ASL, but teaching my babies baby sign saved a lot of frustration,” shared a mother.

A New Perspective on Baby Babble

Jane McCullough’s story is a testament to the power of communication and the boundless potential of early language development. Her joyful interaction with her grandparents has not only captured hearts but also shed light on the importance of sign language as an accessible and inclusive form of communication for everyone.

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