Angular Roughshark: The Pig-Faced Shark That Grunts When Captured

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When you think of sharks, you might picture sleek predators like the great white or hammerhead, but there’s a lesser-known species that defies these typical images. Enter the angular roughshark (Oxynotus centrina), a fascinating and peculiar creature that combines a pig-like appearance with a unique behavior: it emits a grunt-like sound when out of the water. This shark’s unusual features and behaviors make it a compelling subject of study and highlight the remarkable diversity of marine life.

The Angular Roughshark: An Overview

The angular roughshark, often referred to as the “pig fish” due to its strikingly unique appearance, is found across the eastern Atlantic Ocean, from Norway down to South Africa, and throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Its distinctive physical traits and feeding habits make it stand out in the shark world.

Scientific Classification:

angular roughshark

  • Name: Angular Roughshark (Oxynotus centrina)
  • Habitat: Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
  • Diet: Fish, crustaceans, molluscs, marine worms, and shark eggs

Physical Characteristics

Size and Shape: The angular roughshark typically reaches about 3.3 feet (1 meter) in length. It has a robust and thick body covered in a gray-brown coloration, which helps it blend into its seabed habitat. The shark is easily recognizable by its large, sail-like dorsal fins and its triangular profile when viewed from the front.

Pig-Like Features: One of the most striking features of the angular roughshark is its pig-like appearance. It has a flat head, wide-set eyes, and a blunt snout with large nostrils. These features, combined with its pronounced dermal denticles, give it a pig-like look that sets it apart from other sharks.

Dermal Denticles: The skin of the angular roughshark is covered in dermal denticles—small, tooth-like structures made of pulp, dentine, and enamel. Unlike most sharks, the denticles of the angular roughshark are particularly large and pronounced, giving the shark a somewhat fuzzy appearance. While the exact reason for these pronounced denticles is not fully understood, they may serve to protect the shark from potential predators.

Habitat and Behavior

angular roughshark

Distribution: Angular roughsharks are found throughout the eastern Atlantic Ocean, including areas from Norway to South Africa, as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. They are typically located near the seafloor, where they engage in a slow, methodical hunting style.

Feeding Habits: The diet of the angular roughshark is quite diverse. It includes fish, crustaceans, molluscs, marine worms, and even the eggs of other sharks. The shark has sharp, blade-like lower teeth designed for slicing through flesh and conical upper teeth that help it spear slippery prey. Recent studies have shown that angular roughsharks are also opportunistic feeders, consuming the eggs of other elasmobranchs. This feeding behavior was observed in both wild and captive specimens.

Feeding Strategy: The angular roughshark employs a unique feeding strategy. It spends most of its time close to the seafloor, moving slowly and using a vacuum-like motion to suck up its prey. This method is effective for capturing a variety of small marine organisms.

The Grunting Phenomenon

One of the most intriguing aspects of the angular roughshark is its tendency to emit a grunt-like sound when removed from the water. This behavior has earned it the nickname “pig fish.” The grunting is believed to be a stress response or a mechanism to expel air from its swim bladder. While this sound is unusual among sharks, it adds to the shark’s already unique profile.

Conservation Status

Threats: Despite its fascinating characteristics, the angular roughshark faces several threats. Its large dorsal fins and distinctive body shape make it prone to being caught as bycatch in fishing operations. This, combined with its slow growth rate and low reproductive output, contributes to its vulnerability.

Conservation Efforts: The angular roughshark is listed as endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. This status underscores the need for conservation efforts to protect this unique species. Measures to reduce bycatch and preserve its habitat are crucial for the survival of the angular roughshark.

Angular Roughshark

Why the Angular Roughshark Matters

The angular roughshark is not just an oddity; it plays a vital role in its marine ecosystem. As a predator and consumer of shark eggs, it helps maintain the balance of marine life. Protecting this species is essential for preserving the overall health of its habitat.

Ecological Role: By preying on smaller marine creatures and consuming the eggs of other sharks, the angular roughshark helps regulate populations within its ecosystem. Its role as a predator contributes to the dynamic balance of marine life, highlighting the importance of every species in maintaining ecological harmony.

Fun Facts About the Angular Roughshark

  • Unique Sound: The grunt-like sound emitted by the angular roughshark is a rare phenomenon among sharks and is one of its most distinctive features.
  • Fuzzy Appearance: The pronounced dermal denticles give the shark a fuzzy, almost pig-like appearance, setting it apart from other shark species.
  • Dietary Preferences: The angular roughshark’s diet is varied and includes not only small marine creatures but also the eggs of other sharks.

Ongoing Research and Discoveries

New Findings: Research on the angular roughshark is ongoing, and new discoveries continue to emerge. Scientists are studying its behavior, feeding habits, and reproductive biology to gain a deeper understanding of this enigmatic species. Ongoing research is crucial for developing effective conservation strategies and ensuring the survival of the angular roughshark.

Angular Roughshark

Future Prospects: As scientists continue to explore the world’s oceans, it’s likely that more unique and fascinating species like the angular roughshark will be discovered. These discoveries contribute to our understanding of marine biodiversity and underscore the importance of protecting our oceans.


The angular roughshark is a remarkable example of the diversity and complexity of marine life. Its unique appearance, unusual behaviors, and ecological significance make it a species worth studying and protecting. By learning more about this pig-faced shark and addressing the challenges it faces, we can help ensure its survival and contribute to the preservation of our oceans.

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